Jim and Margie Glynn

Jim and Margie Glynn started leading mission teams to Haiti while he was pastor for 15 years in the Chicago suburbs. They founded this ministry for spiritual revival to the Haitian Church and Nation in 1994. They are preachers, teachers, and spiritual mentors to pastors and potential Christian leaders. Jim is a musician and worship leader who has translated and recorded hundreds of praise and worship songs in the Haitian Creole language. They also are beginning a work with Teen Challenge to restore youth and adults trapped in addiction.
Jim has a BA in English and Music from Wittenberg University and an M.Div. from Luther Seminary. Margie has a BA in Special Education from Wittenberg University.
Parents to 6, grandparents to 10, Papi Jim and Mommi Margie to many, now having worked in Haiti for 30 years while living in the US, they are now in the process of moving to Haiti with their youngest daughter Rebekah.
Email: jglynn@haitirevival.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/haitirevival
Website: http://haitirevival.org/home0.aspx

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