Covenant Global Evangelism


Greetings in our Lord’s wonderful name!

I am the Pastor of Covenant of Peace Church and the Founder of Lightnings of God Ministries International. Several years ago the Lord laid a burden on my heart and gave me a vision for helping missionaries fulfill their ministry on the field.

Missionaries face many things that can distract them from the work of the ministry of which God has called them. Covenant of Peace Church and Lightnings of God Ministries have teamed up to form Covenant Global Evangelism. The ministry team of Covenant Global Evangelism would like to offer you a way to eliminate some of the burden of the administrative work so you will have more time for ministry work – that is the goal and purpose of Covenant Global Evangelism. We extend an invitation to you to come on board Covenant Global Evangelism and allow us to help you in the field where God has planted you.


  • Handle all donated funds under 501(c)3 coverage
  • Provide printing services for publications and promotional materials
  • Help with educational needs
  • Facilitate the securing of international visas
  • Help secure international medical insurance policies
  • Help network between missionary and shipping company

Jeannine Rothwell is our Member Services Coordinator. If you have questions about joining Covenant Global Evangelism please contact her at 937-456-5577 or email her at

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Please specify in the comments who the donation is for and any specific project please.